Racecourses 2025

Start and finish: Vicenza, Piazza dei Signori
2025 odd year, anticlockwise course


The Integrale course is entirely on single track paths, mule tracks and dirt roads, it will make the circumnavigation of the Berici Hills from the center of Vicenza, passing through the territories of Arcugnano, Perarolo, San Gottardo, Pederiva di Grancona, Pozzolo, Villaga, Barbarano, Mossano, Nanto, Villabalzana, Torri di Arcugnano.
The Marathon course follows the Integrale up to Perarolo, then with a shortcut to Villa di Fimon and Soghe it reconnects to the Integrale route in Villabalzana and from there on the same course until the finish in Vicenza. The Urban course follows the the Integrale up to Arcugnano, then with a shortcut it reconnects to the course back to Vicenza.


As the route crosses many private properties with passage allowed only on the day of the race, detailed maps and gps files of the route will be published only in the week before the race.

Le Gare


- Ultrabericus Integrale

Course of about 65 km with an elevation gain of about 2500 meters, with I.T.R.A. classification 3 points, maximum time 13.00 hours, time barriers:

start at 10.00
km 11 circa Villa di Arcugnano at 12.10
km 23 circa Pederiva di Grancona at 14.10
km 34 circa San Donato at 16.50
km 46 circa Torretta di Nanto at 19.00
km 56 circa Torri di Arcugnano at 21.10
finish at 23.00

Profile Ultrabericus Trail integrale


- Ultrabericus Twin lui & lei 

relay race of two athletes, one male and the other female, in two sections of about 34 km with an elevation gain of about 1500 meters and 31 km with elevation gain of about 1000 meters, with I.T.R.A. classification: 2 points for the first section and 1 point for the second section, maximum total time 13.00 hours, time barriers:

start at 10.00
km 11 circa Villa di Arcugnano at 12.10
km 23 circa Pederiva di Grancona at 14.10
km 34 circa San Donato relay change at 16.50
km 46 circa Torretta di Nanto at 19.00
km 56 circa Torri di Arcugnano at 21.10
finish at 23.00

(the second relay runner will have to reach the transition point by his own means)



- Ultrabericus Marathon

course of about 44 km with an elevation gain of about 1500 meters, with I.T.R.A. classification 2 points, maximum time 8.00 hours, time barriers:

start at 10.00
km 11 circa Villa di Arcugnano at 12.10
km 23 circa Soghe at 14.10
km 34 circa Torri di Arcugnano at 16.10
arrivo at 18:00



- Ultrabericus Urban and Nordic

course of about 21 km with an elevation gain of about 700 meters, with I.T.R.A. classification 1 point, maximum time 5.00 hours, time barriers:

partenza ore 11.00
arrivo ore 16.00

(on the same course and with the same start and finish times, separate ranking will be drawn up for athletes who will carry out the route with the nordic walking technique)




road route to reach the change point in San Donato: http://goo.gl/maps/7zvQ2





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